TJ Tambellini

NR · World
Published · Online

Eastern Air

These photos are all taken in and around the Eastern Sierras region of California. The state has so much to offer and crowds often gather at the coasts or along the western edge of the Sierras, with Yosemite and Sequoias as a destination. While those areas are just as special, I often gravitate towards the high desert, or in this case, the east side of the range. It’s an easy shot up from LA, using Hwy 395 as the main drag. You could spend a lifetime traveling through its deep desert Mojave region, the active thermal zones, or taking a quick jaunt up into the mountains from the many fingerling roads that splinter off from 395. I often look back at my personal videos or photos from the area as a quick escape, more so now in quarantine times.  

Processed with VSCO with j6 preset


Photography and words TJ TAMBELLINI

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